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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Interactive Learning Module (ILM)

What’s Interactive Learning Module (ILM)?

A modular multimedia materials which present the principles and practice of design and manufacturing.


  • interactive design tools,
  • multimedia case studies,
  • cybertronic simulation games
  • interactive tutorials
What's Cybertronic Simulation Games?

Simulated role environments where the user may be dynamically interacting, choosing parameters, making decisions, or defining configurations of objects and sequences of events on the screen.

How does it works?

  • It creates an environment which simulates an integrated view of a product development process. It’s like a fictional enterprise, in which the user assumes the role of product designer, manufacturing engineer, marketing expert, and product manager.
  • Integrated simulation takes special advantage of the multimedia environment and involves the user in the decision making and design processes associated with the manufacturing and marketing processes.
  • Video of a real factory is combined with simulation and animation to study the choice of manufacturing systems and the scheduling of activities.
  • Enable us to capture many of these issues as it creates earning environments which help in understanding the complexities facing enterprises competing in an increasingly global marketplace.
  • Provide a safe environment for hands-on experiences on complicated machinery and present large volumes of information on today’s manufacturing systems. Simulations provide a relatively inexpensive and risk free environment in which to experiment and learn, as demonstrated, for example, in the success of flight simulators.
  • Provide an efficient learning system, a large number of students no need to time-share a single expensive piece of machinery and its associated manuals assisted by a limited number of technicians (as is the situation currently in many laboratories).
  • Each student can use a computer independently through out this system, and at his or her own pace, to access the various interactive simulations and computer programs illustrating and explaining the functioning of machines along with tutorials for each subject matter, whenever desired.