How to get A’s in Engineering … by really trying!
Study tips for the hard working student
The secret to success is constancy to purpose.
-- Benjamin Disraeli
Why is engineering hard?
- Homework: Do it!
- Lectures: Come, listen and think!
- Studying for Tests: Don’t!
- Growing your reputation
Three reasons why you may have trouble with a topic or a problem:
1. Math
- You may have to learn, or re-learn, math techniques and tricks
2. Underlying principles … physics of the topic
- Try to understand the qualitative picture
- Look at the final result of the derivation
- This is usually a simple mathematical expression.
- Look at what terms are in the numerator, and what terms are in the denominator.
- What are the exponents? Plot these equations in different ways.
3. Complicated Application
- Try to understand the relevance, or the context of the example
- Try to diagnose why you are having trouble
Why is Engineering Hard: Design
a) The practice of engineering is about design.
- Solving problems that have not been solved before!
- Solving problems in new ways, with new technologies
b) Creativity is hard to manage
- But it is not impossible. Learn to brainstorm
c) Ambiguity
- In many cases, there is no clear optimal solution (or even what is desired)
- Develop a “tolerance for ambiguity”
Read the material three times:
1. Read the whole chapter as you would a novel. Don’t worry about details, try to get the
big picture. Try to do this before the relevant class lecture.
2. Study each section of the chapter. Use a highlighter sparingly. Copy over the examples.
3. Take reading notes of the chapter.
- If you don’t like the text’s treatment of the material, look for another textbook (from the library) that does a better job.
Doing Homework
- Keep up with the weekly homework assignment
- Be neat and professional
- Use a special pad of paper, and a scratch pad for rough drafts, and side calculations
- Work as much of the problem by yourself as you can …but learn from others
Working Engineering Problems
Start by summarizing the problem.
Classify the problem:
- Is the problem a general derivation, a straight calculation or a design problem?
- What are the givens?
- What needs to be calculated?
- What must you bring to the problem?
- What are the assumptions?
- What are the relevant formulas?
Do a rough draft
- Ignore details, get a feel for where the problem is taking you
- Go back and be very attentive to details
- Can you make fewer assumptions?
- Is your mathematics perfect?
Check your answer:
- Units!
- Does the answer make practical sense?
- Check limiting cases
- Check symmetry of answer
Other Homework Hints
- Don’t use the answer sheets. (They’re often wrong anyway!)
- Discuss and debate the problem with a conscientious classmate.
- Be open to different techniques.
- Challenge the logic
- Note pitfalls
- You are done when you are sure of your answer… and can defend it to a skeptical colleague
Come to every class
- Sit where you can hear the discussion and read the board – Speak up if you can’t!
- Not just the math, but the logic
- Copy over your notes every 2-3 weeks into a separate notebook
- borrow the notes from 2-3 other students
- compile these into your notebook
- Then ask questions about what you don’t understand
- Do get a good night’s sleep
- Your notes should get shorter, as you remember more, and find more things obvious
- Make a 1-2 page summary of the highlights
Read through the whole test
- Work on the easy questions first
Be neat, and detailed in your answer
- Teach your professor what you did – you’ll get more partial credit and feedback on how to improve
- Check your answers
- Using a different method
Projects are a chance to impress your instructor
- Intelligent overkill!
- Neat, complete, thoughtful professional job
Don’t do it all at once
- Start by identifying what you need to learn, and what you want to deliver
- Continually improve it until the deadline
Growing and Protecting Your Reputation
Engineering is a tough career. You will get and keep the best jobs based on what your colleagues think of you – Performance and reputation … for integrity.
Duncan MacFarlane
Professor of Electrical Engineering
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